According to the New York Times I am...

You are a Tech Guru.

You are the type of person who favors a traditional outlook on life and can often be something of a perfectionist. Structure is important to you and you find that you need a careful balance of work and play in order to be in your absolute element. The way you see it, the more thrills the better. There's only one place to be and that's on the edge of your seat.

You have an inquisitive mind and possess an irresistible urge to experiment with everything around you. You're a real get-up-and-go kind of person who likes to keep at least one finger on the pulse of everything that's hot and happening from the latest movies and sport to the coolest technologies and gadgets. A true entertainment junkie, there's no chance of you ever getting bored and you're always the first to get your hands on some shiny new gizmo that's going to revolutionize your life. You have a realistic outlook on what you can achieve and enjoy attention to detail in most aspects of your life.
